Home of the Trojans

Plainwell High School Athletics

Request Funds.

Need Financial Assistance?

Request financial support for school sanctioned clubs and teams: 
Coaches or PHS Group Advisors can request funds for their team/club or individual student athlete/player's needs by completing a form below and attending the next Booster meeting to present your request.
Boosters will review at the meeting and inform the Coach/Advisor of their decision and next steps.  

 Other Ways to Earn Funds:

Our main source of funding is created from our concession stands and we’re always looking for workers. Each team/club can earn money for their activity by fully staffing the concession stand for an event (each event varies by workers needed). 

All events, unless otherwise negotiated up front, will be paid a rate of $50 per half hour worked by the team/group staffing the event.  

"Special Events" will be paid at a rate of 35% of the event's gross revenue.  This can include Varsity Football, Tournaments/Competitions (Robotics/MyWay Wrestling), and Friday night basketball games in which three games are played.

Please email the boosters if you are interested in staffing an event-plainwellathleticboosters@gmail.com

